James A. Cochrane, Inc.

Philly Area Cultural Events List

One of our agents, Mike Wallacavage, compiles a list each year of local holiday events. We thought it would be nice to share this with all of our clients. There are some fabulous events in the Philly area this year and each of these takes place in a beautiful location as well. Enjoy the season!



-“The Holidays in Philadelphia” @ visitphilly has many ideas from the light show at Macy’s to Christmas Village and Longwood Gardens! http://www.visitphilly.com/holidays-in-philadelphia/#sm.0000na4olqj8tf56pos25fxvtlwz1
-12/9/16 (Fri.) Vox Ama Deus performs Renaissance Noel at historic St. Paul’s in Chestnut Hill. ½ price tix @ https://phillyfunguide.com/funperks-events/renaissance-noel-chestnut-hill
-12/10/16 (Sat.) 25PM -A Feast of Carols: Annual Mendelssohn Club concert @ historic St. Paul’s in Chestnut Hill!  Not to be missed! http://www.mcchorus.org/wp/
-12/11/16 (Sun.) @3pm -Christmas at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. https://cathedralphilaconcerts.org/event/christmas-at-the-cathedral-basilica/
-12/11/16 (Sun.) Vox Ama Deus performs Renaissance Noel at Thomas Great Hall -Bryn Mawr College. ½ price tix @ https://phillyfunguide.com/music/renaissance-noel-bryn-mawr
-12/11/16 -Service of Nine Lessons and Carols @ Historic Church of the Redeemer in Bryn Mawr!  @7PM. http://www.theredeemer.org/special_music
-12/14/16 (Wed.) @7PM Join the Choir of historic Saint Francis de Sales Parish for a special candlelight concert celebrating the mystery of the Advent season! http://www.saintfrancisdesales.net/
-12/16/16 @8pm -The Crossing (Choir) at Christmas @ historic Holy Trinity church in Rittenhouse Square. http://www.crossingchoir.com/events/2016/12/16/the-crossing-christmas
-12/17/16 (Sat.) Scythian New Album Release Concert at Musikfest Café in Bethlehem presented by Yuengling!  http://www.steelstacks.org/event/3365/scythian/
-12/17/16 @7:00 pm -Brandywine Singers’ Gloria in Excelsis Deo featuring Vivaldi, Bach & Rutter (with Brandywine Symphonic Chorale) @ Church of the Good Samaritan
212 W. Lancaster Ave, Paoli, PA 19301. http://www.thebrandywinesingers.org/
-12/18/16 (Sun.) Vox Ama Deus performs Handel’s Messiah at St. Katherine of Siena in Wayne! https://phillyfunguide.com/music/handel-messiah-wayne0
-12/18/16 (Sun.) Singing City’s Joys of the Season Concert at historic Holy Trinity Church in Rittenhouse Square!  https://phillyfunguide.com/music/joys-of-the-season
-12/18/16 (Sun.) @4PM -Advent Lessons& Carols @ historic Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge.  http://wmchapel.org/worship-music/music/
-12/18/16 (Sun.) @5PM -Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Historic St. Paul’s in Chestnut Hill. https://phillyfunguide.com/music/festival-of-nine-lessons-carols
-12/19/16 (Mon.) @7PM A Service of Lessons& Carols @ historic St. Agnes Catholic Church in West Chester. 
-12/31/16 (Sat) 4-8PM -Choral Arts Society performs Bach’s Christmas Oratorio at the Episcopal Cathedral. http://www.choralarts.com/christmas-oratorio-2016.html
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