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Lower Your Energy Bills This Summer

We’re officially in the midst of the summer, and it’s looking like it’s going to be hot. Most indicators point to a hotter-than-average summer inf act. This is paired with the fact that consumers in the U.S. are dealing with the highest i...

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Make Your Yard & Home a Bug-Free Zone

A lush spot for outdoor entertaining? Great. Perfect. A constant swarm of insects that invade your patio and home? No, thank you. Here's how to keep bugs away from your patio and yard, and from getting inside your house. #1 Install Patio Fans ...

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Why Rising Mortgage Rates Push Buyers off the Fence

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you’ve probably heard mortgage rates are rising and have wondered what that means for you. Since mortgage rates have increased over two percentage points this year, it’s natural to think about ...

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6 Ways To Upgrade Your Outdoor Space for $250 or Less

The sun is out, which means you want to be out, too. If your outdoor space fails to live up to your fantasy of the perfect backyard oasis—but you don’t have the budget or time to sink into a complete overhaul—we’ve got your back. ...

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How to Pay Down Debt When Preparing for a Mortgage

Think you might have trouble qualifying for a mortgage because your current credit load is a little on the high side? You'll want to speak directly with a loan officer to get a bit more specific but if you want or need to pay down debt before a...

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